Shareholder Information

Shares Issued

The number of ordinary shares in issue is 166,180,692.

Major Shareholders

The Company has been notified of the following interests in 3% or more of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company:

Name of ShareholderShares%
Shanker Patel53,821,38632.39%
Allan Pierce17,890,86010.77%
Premier Miton Group15,454,9999.30%
Rajen Patel15,204,5409.15%
Nilesh Patel15,204,5409.15%
Charles Stanley11,746,8137.07%
Schroder Investment Management8,320,5004.99%
Slater Investments7,050,0004.24%
Hargreaves Lansdown6,995,0254.21%

Director Shareholdings

Name of ShareholderShares%
Shanker Patel*53,821,38632.39%
Andrew Harrison**283,6790.17%
Gary O'Brien***229,4420.14%
Stuart Kilpatrick****45,0000.03%

*includes Ordinary shares held by his related trust and children
**includes Ordinary shares held by Ruth Harrison (Andrew Harrison’s wife)
***On 8 July 2021, Gary O'Brien entered into an agreement to transfer the Ordinary Shares acquired by him at admission to trading on AIM to his SSAS at the Placing Price. Following completion of the transfer the legal owner of the Ordinary Shares will change but Gary will remain as the beneficial owner
**** includes shares held by Katharine Kilpatrick (Stuart Kilpatrick’s wife)

Shares not in public hands

In terms of AIM Rules revised in March 2018 and insofar as it is aware, 64.15% of the Company's AIM securities was not in public hands.

Restrictions in transfer of AIM securities

There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company's AIM securities.

UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers

The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeover and Mergers.

Other exchanges and trading platforms

The Company's securities are not listed or traded on any exchanges or trading platforms, other than AIM.

Shareholder Circulars

24 May 2024Notice of Annual General Meeting held on 20 June 2024
11 May 2023Notice of Annual General Meeting held on 20 June 2023
29 June 2022Poll Results for the Annual General Meeting held on 29 June 2022
01 June 2022Notice of Annual General Meeting held on 29 June 2022
Page last updated: 7 March 2025